This is the pretty card she sent me as a thank-you. Inside, she says:
"Thank you so much for all the wonderful goodies you sent out!! I have been using them already! Have a wonderful day!"
Thanks for the great thank-you card, Andrea. Everyone, pay special attention to the "faux eyelets" Andrea did at the center of each scallop! The paper is pierced, and then a white gel pen was used to do a circle around it. Really nice effect, Andrea - and I love all the little touches on the image, too. :)
Now, on to my last post. I really appreciate the thoughtful comments that have been left; everyone's been very respectful of each other, and stated how they feel. Thank you for showing me that I can, indeed, have thoughtful discussions on the topic without being beat up! :D
Jan had this to say: "....I stopped celebrating Christmas back in the mid 90's becasue the whole shop til you drop or go bankrupt is not what it is about. I am not religious. ANd I think we as Americans are a bunch of idiots to play this shopping game. Its about more than that-but no one cares anymore." Well, I don't think we can quite say NO one cares - because obviously you and I do, Jan. :) I really don't do the purchasing thing, either. For me, it's about being with family, celebrating the incarnation of my Savior on an arbitrarily-chosen day, enjoying the ability to give to others without them wondering what I want in return. :D I enjoy sitting in my home, listening to the music of Christmas, looking at the lights, talking to loved ones, watching my favorite movies and laughing with friends and family. I appreciate your comments, Jan; the commercial aspect of Christmas is definitely NOT what I think of when I think of Christmas. I wonder what would happen if more of us DID NOT shop so hard during December? (Of course, I used to own a retail establishment; us small stores really DID count this as the time to save up for the next year. It's sad that Walmart can turn a profit 365 days a year, but our neighbors are going bankrupt. But that's a whole other discussion!:D)
"Anonymous" left this one: "....With the whole PC thing, I agree with you! The funny thing is, I don't think, for example, Christians care that something says Happy Hannukah or Jewish people care about something saying Merry Christmas. It's usually zealot/have-nothing-to-do people who like to stir the pot and create controversy when there isn't any..." I so heartily agree with you - but I'm afraid I see more conspiracy than you do! The more we allow this sort of stuff to happen, the less freedom the MAJORITY of us have. Again, another discussion! :D And honestly, I'm one of the least political people I know! LOL!
I appreciated EVERYONE'S comments! Thank you for your insight, and honestly taking a moment to think about what you were replying. More comments are always welcome; I appreciate thinkers! :D
OK. I'm off to work on some more gifts - I'll have lots of photos to post after Christmas, but I obviously can't do it before people open them! :D So, go take the time to STAMP something - I am!!!!! (And I'm wearing the glitter and ink to prove it....:D)
I am so glad you liked it! :) Have a great night!
This is in reference to your RELIGION talk. First and foremost...I am a Christian. I am not a holy roller, a Bible thumper or a holier than thou person...but someone rather who believes in Christ and believes I should do all I can for Him. BUT...in the same sense...I will never ridecule you for not believing as I do. But when given the opportunity I WILL make it clear that it is okay to say CHRISTMAS. I will never hyphenate it and say X-Mas, and I will never wish you a Happy HOLIDAY...unless I mean HOLIDAY(S) which would include Hanukah and New Years along with Christmas. I too, believe that it is the people that are not Jewish and the people that are not Christians that have the bones to pick.
A few years back we (as a family) studied all of the different celebrations at Christmas. Now we light a manora, play with dredals and we go to church and celebrate the birth of Jesus too.
Then dont even get me started on the whole COMMERCIAL aspect. YIPES! I have done 99% of my shopping on line, just so I can get it done...and not be forced to wallow in the BUY ME blinking lights.
Now it will be on to MAKING some home made gifts for close friends, baking some treats and building memories with my family. Afterall, in all of my childhood memories I dont recall shopping at max speed and going in debt as a memory. I recall baking, wrapping some presents that were carefully selected....and just being with my loved ones.
And to wrap up this book. I am grateful that I dont exchange gifts with my outside families anymore. I buy of course for my husband and my kids and we usually get a little something for cousins...but there is no stress involved in buying coffee mugs for Uncle Joe who didnt really want cofee mugs in the first place and that I couldnt afford either.
The true meaning of the season...PEACE.
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