Well, Monday was a long day of travel. We got up at 3:30 Central time, and believe me, we went to bed early - well, for us. Don't you just LOVE flying? A lot of hurry-up-and-wait. Well, at least Ken was able to pass the time! :)
I have received a question about the contest I'm going to be running on this site; it's not going to be posted until MAY 5 - National Scrapbooking Day! :) Keep looking!
Yesterday was a really fun day; we headed up toward Mt. St. Helen's. Even 27 years after the eruption, the evidence of the destruction is evident - but so is the recovery of the area. It's absolutely amazing - and if you're interested in seeing photos, let me know. :)
The flower above is a rhododendron - known as a "rhody" to the locals. They come in a variety of colors, and are just delightful - they grow both by design and wild around here. The flowers are beautiful, and the foliage is a vibrant green even after the flowers fade.
So, don't worry. We are here, we are enjoying ourselves, and we aren't resting much. :D Have a wonderful day, my friends!
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